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News Release: 8/27/2024

Business Name: Reliabank
How many years have you been in business: Reliabank opened in Hartford in 2007, we have been in business since 1920.
What motivates you: We believe involvement with the community is imperative to being successful, we want to be a part of everything we can, and be there to help those in the community when we can.
As a business in Hartford, how does the Chamber help you: They help us to be seen and heard. Doing the communication and moving of parts that make it easier to be collaborative where we need to be.
Favorite aspect of being in Hartford: The people. I don’t think it needs to get more complicated than that. The sense of knowing that the people doing business around you are there for the betterment of our community, having the people around who think about the big picture can make all the difference.
What does being a part of the Hartford Community mean to you? We pride ourselves on knowing who walks through our doors, and having the relationships with our customers to know what comes next.
What advice would you give someone looking at opening a business in Hartford: Get to know the people here, the relationships you build and contacts that are made can make a world of difference.
When not at work, what is your favorite thing to do: The employees at Reliabank in Hartford have 2 big things in common. We have families that we spend most of our time with that include sporting events and all of the miscellaneous things that comes with, and farming.
What makes your business stand out: The people we depend on that both work here, and our customers. We strongly believe that when a community is put first by people and businesses, it makes life better for all.
What do you see for the future of your business: Focusing on Hartford becoming the best it can, with the growth mindset we see right now, welcoming everyone we can do the community, and introducing ourselves that way is our way forward.

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