Optimist Club to form in Hartford

Hello Hartford Optimist members and prospective members,
Hartford Optimist Club Update #4–
- We continue to make progress in recruiting new members.
- We were provided the opportunity to participate in the Vendor Show during Hartford Hometown Christmas. We had a drawing to win one of 3 handcrafted wooden vehicles. Many adults and children stopped by and we even signed up 2 new members.
- We now have 15 members which is the minimum needed to officially charter the club.
- We also have several more who are ready to sign up.
- We need to reach out to more community members who are not in City or Chamber leadership positions.
- Pre-Organization Meeting is set for Monday, Jan. 7 at 6:30 pm at the Pizza Ranch – great opportunity to get your questions answered.
- Official Charter Meeting/Election of Officers/Set meeting dates/Determine Dues/Member Induction – later in January.
- Until then, we need your help – talk to your friends and neighbors and invite them to the Jan. 7 meeting. Send us their names and contact information and we will reach out to them.
Greg Honl Dave Martin
Sioux Valley Optimist Club Sioux Valley Optimist Club
605-413-7410 605-951-6543
ghonl@hotmail.com svsec7111@gmail.com